Recent content by Sindri Oksaras

  1. Sindri Oksaras


    Will be going to London, might see about Berlin in September, depends on work but if not will 100% be at London.
  2. Sindri Oksaras

    EVE NT London - Meetup

    (He hasn't actually put you down because he is a lazy mofo.) (I am as well which is why I got him to do the donkey work instead of doing it myself but I now have to keep chasing him to do anything, is this how he gets director position?)
  3. Sindri Oksaras

    EVE NT London - Meetup

    You could have just asked your mum to call me, she already got my digits
  4. Sindri Oksaras

    EVE NT London - Meetup

    I'll be there. Number 1 Brit FC checking in :smoog: