Recent content by XenonOne

  1. XenonOne

    Changing your main character

    Just for the sake of knowing, I am wondering as well.
  2. XenonOne

    Can I Rejoin After not playing for a while?

    In game chat channel 'JOIN HORDE'.
  3. XenonOne

    Hey Guys

    Welcome aboard. Pandemic Horde a huge society. It is easy for someone to get overwhelmed. If you stay active, you will find a place here.
  4. XenonOne

    hi! im korean ! Ccp will release Korean in November.

    I did not know CCP was holding a Korean captive. ;)
  5. XenonOne

    Test Thread

  6. XenonOne

    EVE Vegas 2019 Recap

    Health and vision issues kept me from attending. Thank you to those that contributed and help with this community at EvE fest and every day of the year.