Homepage Bug


New Member
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Hello Horde

i have a littel problem, I'm from NC just came back after a break and I'm setting everything up again, but when I sign in to your website "https://www.pandemic-horde.org/settings/discord/join"
i get this message.

You are not authorized to be here
Authorizations are granted based on your corporation in EVE this is the information we have from you:
Current Corporation:
Amazon Industries
If this information is not up to date give it a couple of minutes to an hour to get updated and get access to the page. If you still have trouble after an hour tell a NBI in the Newbeans in game channel.

The problem is it never update, and i try to movede api and still notning happen, now 21 day later i still have the problem, can any look at it?
i maybe think the problem is "Amazon Industries"my char have be hack for some time agro and join a corp with the name "Amazon Industries" CCP remove this corp from my historie and reroll my char back from delete, so maybe somthing buggi happend here

Char "Haramii" From NC


as you can see i have no be in finfleet for 22 day, and still not update the homepage
