Ive been away, and now im lost

Infinite Point
Monthly Kills
Hey Everyone, Was a member of horde for awhile when i used to play.. Just logged in and found myself in RIO-GN

Cant rely remember how to play, or how to set up some contracts to move my items to where they need to be.

Also wondering if there is a way to rejoin the Corp?


New Member
Welcome back!

Current Staging: MJ-5F9 (link to dotlan). This is where you will want to drop all your ships and assets, for the most part. The keepstar in system is our home staging and where all your doctrine ships should be.

Setting Up Contracts: To move your stuff to MJ-5F9 from say RIO, use one of the numerous transport services. Multi-Lemm Logistics is a popular choice.

Useful Links:
1) What to do when arriving in MJ-5F9 for the first time.
2) To rejoin IT services and corp. Go through these step-by-step.
3) In-Game Channel: Newbeans -- This channel is where you can ask a ton of questions. Especially great for new players or returning players.
4) Alliance Discord (which you would have set up in step 2) is also a very good tool to ask for help.

Otherwise, just learn by being active in-game and speaking up! Either in discord or on voice comms.
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