Looking for a hardcore indy corp, setting up my own small corp in alliance or working out a deal with a PVP corp ect...

For reasons I won't go into on this pubic board I'm looking to leave my current corp and join the horde Alliance (have a few ideas but don't know how internal Horde ops work so don't know if all are feasible). I'm willing to discuss why I'm leaving in more detail via private chat but will not betray my corp on the way out the door if that's what you want to discuss. That said I have a few ideas and would very much like to talk to someone about the feasibility of them to find the right fit for me. I'm an indy/mining/market/PVE guy (personally suck at PVP not my bag). I can build just about everything up to Titans (haven't yet mostly due to lack of access to dedicated titan station) but my current focus is Capital Ship construction (mostly Navy Phoenix/Rev's). I can also fly "mostly caldari" up to Capital / some select carriers Nid/Nyx to t2 (tech Titan as well but lacking the sub skills to fly for real), Rorq and JF. I have done alot of research before reaching out to you guys to find the right alliance and I really think you guys (in the right spot) would be an ideal fit for what I like to do.

Ideas I would like to discuss:

1. Possibility of joining a serious indy corp that has the stations/location to not only crank out some ships (capitals), but player numbers also to effectively create business deals for a steady supply of bottleneck components ( I don't do many alts), has a current or very near market to sell them and decently secure space to mine in a Rorq or has alliance response fleet that can respond in 10 min or so to survive Cyno fleet tackles.

2. Setting up my own very small, specialized Corp: This is the one I'm most interested in doing but need some advice on how to go about it (Space Rental or working out deal with specialized PVP corp in alliance).

2a. Renting my own space in the alliance. I don't know how this works in your alliance or what locations are available for rent. This is one of the big things I would like to discuss. If I was able to go this route it would start out as a single player corp and only grow to maybe a dozen or so of like minded people that wanted to do what I was up to. I would also like to learn more about how alliance protection works for station defense in the even of a Wardec station attack. If I was able to do this, their was space available for rent and their was alliance fleet help for station attacks (if happened) I would like to setup a Soytoyo rigged for max efficiency captial ship produciton or if their are rules about renters not having that station or fortizar in private ownership (some do) then an rigged Azbel for the same prodction. The station would be open for all to use in alliance and have low taxes. It would be setup more for pride of ownership over trying to get rich so geared for more break even or close to break even for taxes.

2b. Similar to 2a. but in this instance I would workout a deal to setup in already rented/owned PVP corp space,in Alliance. Would be very open to working out a potential deal where rent was shared/percentage of it paid ect. in exchange they would have home space access to capital ships at a very good price and of course be able to build them themselves. I would like to also have the deal include access to mine in their space (Rorq) asteroids and moons.

All the best,
Liam Anneto (real name Darcy)