Returning Corp member, looking to rejoin.

Republic Military School
Monthly Kills
I cannot find where to rejoin, or where the discord link is online. I'm currently parked at the HQ for Pandemic Horde Highsec corp, which is what I want to join this time around. I was in the low sec corp, and most likely some of my gear is still on the beanstar, if its still there.

Can someone help? Feel free to message me in game and I'll check tomorrow! Thanks so much!
Tactical Feed.
Monthly Kills
Depending on when you left, the Beanstar got moved. We live in TKE now. A bunch of my stuff was in asset safety from when I stopped playing for two years. To rejoin, just apply in game. Joining the Discord is covered in the mails you get sent when you rejoin, it'll also help you with setting up the channels you want to be in for the server.