Thanks for the OP last night, Props to FC Ramarr Tang

Pandemic Horde Inc.
Monthly Kills

I had been away from EvE for about 3 years. I joined PH in 2018 but never did anything with it.

Now that I am Semi Retired and got my new computer up (Ryzen 7 3700x), I logged back in and set everything up (Overview settings, Mumble, Discord).

So as I am trying to get re-adjusted to EvE and bothering folks on Mumble (Thanks for your patience guys), they directed me to the Discord ping from Ramarr.

So I had a drake laying around, so joined up and had the time of my life!

I had a little trouble keeping up, (well I WAS in a drake, lol) and got lost going home to NEWBEANS Keepstar, but it all slowly came back to me and I made it home alive.

Again thanks to everyone for helping me out and reminding me how fun this game is.

(The following (crappy) video is unlisted on YouTube and I will delete if it is not allowed)

PH Fleet Op 17 FEB 2020)